Sunday, November 25, 2007

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Norcia, November 2007

Yesterday we had to rush to Norcia ( link ; link) to visit an aunt in hospital. The hospital and its 'already' a beautiful building, a former convent. After visiting my aunt we had a (sadly) the Norcia quick walk by night, a beautiful and almost deserted in the rain, and then back to Rome. Here's the square with the statue of the saint:

(Yesterday we Went To Norcia to visit an aunt who Was in hospital. Some photos. The white spots on the images are raindrops ... ^__^)

Norcia, una seraq di novembre con la pioggia

Hospital Norcia
Ospedale Norcia Norcia hospital

City Hall
Il municipio di Norcia San Benedetto

the former church of S. Francis, I believe
Norcia by night

Norcia, la Castellina