Monday, October 6, 2008

Good Facebook Profile Ideas

Pope 'Giovanna by Pupi Avati

'The Pope' Joan ', directed by Pupi Avati. Viewed September 20, 2008.

The film I was not impressed. I found the soundstage appreciable period, while the dialogue seemed to me too modern, a bit 'as they did in the movie' Mediterranean ', but certainly not reach the heights of verbal anachronism of the latter film. Silvio Orlando seems to always repeat the same role in every movie he does, and Frank Blacks' way too nice and cared for the context in which it moves, Ezio Greggio put to the test in a dramatic role, but virtually all his scenes in his expression seems to indicate that the actor is suppressed laughter force, acting on the surface seems Rohrwacher Alba, the part entry does not appear to be under the skin. The only one I've enjoyed and 'Serena Grandi, who turns completely away from his stereotype of cow filmacci petty and proves capable of playing a real human being. And in all honesty ', surely because of my lack of intelligence, I did not understand the message of the film. And the thing that gives me more 'puzzled of all' the fact that a murderer, a murderer and I would rather shiny, and was set free 'after such a' short time.

I did not understand this movie. And I is not 'liked very much.