Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Number On Alabama Helmets

Luttazzi also censored on the website La7

After the suspension of the program Luttazzi

is quite worrying that the site has eliminated the La7
page dedicated to the program and with all of the videos of episodes:

La7 The management announced the suspension of the Decameron to
some strong statements to Giuliano Ferrara. The offending part

"Question: After 4 years of war in Iraq, 3,900 dead American soldiers, 85,000 Iraqi civilians killed and
all Italians dead Field
also because of Berlusconi, Berlusconi has had the courage to say
that he was really against the war in Iraq. How do you
endure such a thing?
Answer: I have my system, I think Giuliano Ferrara
immersed in a bath with Berlusconi and Dell'Utri that piss him
, Previti that shit in the mouth and in full Santanchè
bdsm whip them all. .. is no better now? ".

say that Ferrara has relied on the" weight "within La7 .........

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blood In Phlegm Chunky Only One Day

The LBP of Santa



(AGI) - Pesaro, December 6 - What would happen to the children of the world where Santa Claus, on the eve of the feast more 'expectation of the year, to wake up blocked by lumbago? He tried to imagine Joan Renzini, born journalist umbra, Pesaro adoption, and on "The back pain of Santa Claus" wrote a fairy tale, barely published by Edigio 'di Pavia.
delicate and intense, with a whimsical twist that will like 'for adults, and the Christmas tale of Joan Renzini finds its natural fulfillment in the illustrations by Alessandra Bagnoli, managed to weave a story and complementary images. (AGI)