Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fp-100c Compatible Polaroid

well trots op mij Ik

My first course here I have taken a week ago.
According to a colleague during the more 'full of arguments that we have one of those courses where you have to stay for five days to talk to bolt handle so many things that eventually all come out with his head bursting, and the students who the teacher. Not
and 'gone bad, positive evaluations, but I talk too fast to be able to say all I have to say, so the first two days I've also tried to speak Dutch, but then I am tender and falls back. Unnerved me even the idea of wasting time looking for every word, just imagine those poor souls of the participants. Eventually they sent me his compliments for the course and the Dutch (who called "geweldig", more 'or less our "legendary" by continuing to ask' yes', but how did you do? ").
short, all happy.
Except me.
'Cause I of course I imagined as a small Vrouw Wonder, who eventually the fifth day he spoke exclusively a Dutch perfect.
I had two targets.
The first was the knowledge of technologies, of which up to 13 different 4 months ago I knew only the name and now I found myself having to teach people who may already 'We worked on a couple of years. Achieved.
The second was the language, of which up to four months ago I knew only the name (in Italian, but ', not in Dutch) and now I found myself having to talk to people who knew her for a lifetime.
Feel like telling me "the school of the Dutch was a university professor who told you that against them two years to teach in Dutch, I am 4 months you're here, what do you expect??"
And yet ...
Pero 'then there' was this week here.
this course I do not even want to keep.
Ok, just two days, but gave me from the slide without comment and end, so my preparation and 'look at the slide was trying to imagine a hypothetical conversation in a position to fill two days. Talking to Project Manager, lack of planning, I do not know what makes a Project Manager in life, that 'running a project, okay, but who does? And above all, who wants me to be a Project Manager, I must say that a Project Manager?
Pero 'I closed my eyes, deep breath and go on stage. Two days
100% Dutch.
Full of errors, for heaven's sake ', hesitant, slow, wrong, okay, but' and understandable enough to hold two classes of 6 hours each. One has run
'complained that at times had difficulty' finding the words and when I spoke in English during the breaks showed that I could be a lot more 'fluent.
Pero '. One out of 11. Others have cheered for me, they told me things like "you will also have two weeks from the nuns, but you have special skills 'you' cause not all become so 'in such a' short time, the". When I gave him the certificate of participation I had to sign them. One jokingly asked "Can we take a picture while I sign it?"
At the end of the course one asked me "but really four months?" his face like "you said to pity, from".
colleagues gave me from a bunch of flowers and a card signed by all the compliments for me.
mail I received congratulatory phrases like "a hat".
compliments via e-mail sent me from the students as well.
trots op mij Ik well.