Friday, July 20, 2007

White Discharge At Time Of Period


tissue. When I find clothes for an affordable price is not, I must buy. Al Ponte Milvio mythical market (from parts of padlocks, alas '...: D) There' a street vendor who sells fabrics in the piece of three meters at the price of 3 (three) euros. The first day when I found I gained 15 euro cloths. Have been 10 pounds of stuff. I killed her to bring home that Buston, by bus. : DE 'like a drug. I think we'll put 'years to dispose of all that crowd. Now I have also decided to cucirmi nightgowns, given the ridiculously high prices when looking for something made of cotton. Tessutino So yesterday I took a fit for purpose. Stretch 'the model of a shirt I wanted to try anyway.

My most 'great fear at the moment,' it breaks the sewing machine ... The only thing disturbing and 'for now I only subtitled things to see, then why can not' see 'while the machine, should I raise my head every time.


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